5 Ways Long-Distance Military Couples Can Feel Close This Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and while your friends might be planning romantic nights out or figuring out which outfit to wear to a fancy dinner, you might be feeling a little left out if you’re engaged to someone in the military. The reality of military service, regardless of the branch, is that you and/or your soon-to-be-spouse might spend some holidays apart due to training, deployment, or assignment relocations. Long-distance relationships are tough for any couple, but mushy-gushy celebrations like Valentine’s Day can feel extra lonely if you and your partner don’t have a plan. Here are a few ways you can feel close to your love this Valentine’s Day.
Garden of the Gods Resort Military Wedding by Dawn Sparks Photography
1) Handwrite a Letter
A tried and true way to stay connected is the age-old art of writing letters! Nothing says ‘I love you’ more than taking the time to sit down and write out something thoughtful with a pen and paper. If you want to take it to the next level, add some more personal touches that will remind your partner of home. This can be as simple as spraying your favorite cologne or perfume on the page or adding a printed photo of the two of you together. There’s just something unique and intimate about seeing your partner’s handwriting!
First look letter photography by Simply Love
2) Record a Message
Maybe you and your soon-to-be husband or wife are already pros at writing letters thanks to the long stints without internet access that can be common with military service. A fun, creative way to send along your love on Valentine’s Day is to record a video message. Capture the message using your computer’s webcam feature, save it onto a USB stick, seal it with a kiss, and send it off! They’ll be happy to see your face in action and they’ll treasure the ability to play it over and over again for those days when they just really need to hear your voice.
3) Plan a Skype Dinner and Movie Date
Most people celebrate with their Valentine by dressing up and going out to dinner. Just because you and your partner aren’t in the same place doesn’t mean you can’t still go on a fun date! Plan ahead to order food from similar restaurants at the same time(Chinese, anyone?), then get on Skype and watch a movie together. Watching movies together even when you’re apart will give you a shared experience to talk about, instead of feeling like you’re always relaying your separate lives to each other.
Photography by Amy Carroll Photography
4) Make Them a (Digital) Mixtape
Another classic romantic move is making a mixtape. While you can still go the classic route and actually record the songs on a mixtape, digital playlists are easy to make with apps like Spotify and Apple Music. Just drag and drop songs into a playlist and send it to your fiancé at the right time. You could pick romantic songs that remind you of them or songs that you loved to listen to together. This is another gift that keeps on giving because they can listen to the “mixtape” anytime, anywhere.
5) Buy Them Something to Use Together
Setting future goals and knowing when you’ll see each other again is the lifeline that keeps many military couples together. A great way to keep that spark alive and make both people excited for the future is to get your Valentine something that you’ll be able to use when you’re finally together. Have you been talking about wanting to sleep under the stars at the Grand Canyon? Get them a tent or a sleeping bag! Maybe you’ll be reunited soon and you know your partner is obsessed with a certain movie franchise. Preorder tickets for the opening night so you have something to talk about and look forward to.
Photography by Amy Carroll Photography
Don’t let long-distance stop you from feeling the love! At the end of the day, Valentine’s Day is all about celebrating the love and commitment you and your partner have for each other.